Sunday, January 4, 2009

a short message

As most of you are aware my Step Dad Garry was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme brain tumor in January last year. Sadly he passed away last week after one hell of a fight.

As i want to raise some funds for cancer research this year I will be holding march as my month where 10% of orders from stampin up go to the cancer research centre. If you would like to donate at any time please go to every donation over $2 is tax deductable.

I also want to get back into some sort of normality around here with our lives I would really like to hold workshops as soon as possible. If you would like to hold a workshop please get back to me and i will see what dates I have available.

From January through to February 28th is Stampin Ups Sale a bration. For every $100 you spend you get to get a free stamp set from the sale a bration catalogue. For hostesses who hostess a workshop and you reach $600 in sales you will recieve a free sale a bration stamp set in addition to the other hostess benefits!
If you would like to become a recruit now is the time to do it! If you sign up to become a demonstrator during sale a bration you can choose a free set (up to the value of $79.95) from the 2008-2009 idea book and catalogue for FREE. If you would like a copy of the idea book why not have a work shop and recieve it for free, or you can purchase it from me.
Please note my email adress is

Wishing you all a safe, happy healthy 2009.

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