Hi, we have just finished our weekend of Christmas Card Classes. It was so nice to meet such lovely people. Thank you all for coming and bringing your own crafty ideas to the projects. It is amazing how many different looks you can get when several people do the same project. I was thoroughly impressed with everyones style. Thank you all again for making this weekend wonderful. I did not get photos from the classes, but I did just grab some with my cards and Leslee's. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves and you are all more than welcome to attend the next class that I hold. I will be holding more as I had so much fun!!
Here are our projects from todays class. the cards I made are on the left, Leslee's on the right.
The cards on top are what Les is taking home lol! We certainly had
a very productive weekend! If you are interested in holding this class before christmas please let me know and I ould love to run it for you. Thank you all once again for such a great weekend! Thanks Les for coming down to be here, you rock!!
The cards look great! Fantastic job Bell - congrats on running a successful class. I'll bet all the ladies had a great time with you today.
Great day Bell
had a heap of fun doing the cards
you rock
keep up the good work
Aunty Les
Thanks Bec. I was actually really happy with the class. It was a good experience. I was so worried that no one would like the cards. I need more faith in myself. I hope that everyone had fun. I know 2 people that most certainly did lol!!
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